
The slims-python-api is a project that allows users to interact easily with SLims using python scripting. All communication is done via SLims’ REST API so similar approaches could work for other programming languages.

Installing slims-python-api

You install slims-python-api with pip. Make sure to install the version corresponding to your installed slims version.

If you run SLIMS 6.3 you run

pip install 'slims-python-api>=6.3.0,<6.4.0'

If you run SLIMS 6.2 you run

pip install 'slims-python-api>=6.2.0,<6.3.0'

Some simple examples

from slims.slims import Slims
from slims.criteria import equals

slims = Slims("test", "", "admin", "admin")
content_records = slims.fetch("Content", equals("cntn_id", "test"))
for content_record in content_records:
   print(content_record.cntn_barCode.value + " " +

Here we fetch all the content record with “test” as their id. Then we loop over them and print their barcode and the name of the location they are in.

slims = Slims("test", "", "admin", "admin")
content_records = slims.fetch("Content", equals("cntn_id", "test"))

for content_record in content_records:
   content_record.update({"cntn_id", "foo"})

We fetch all the content records with “test” as their id and then update it to “foo”

These operations are combined in two of our cookbook examples.