slims.criteria module

class slims.criteria.Criterion

Bases: object

to_dict() → dict

Serializes criterion to dictionary

class slims.criteria.Expression(criterion: dict)

Bases: slims.criteria.Criterion

A simple expression like ‘cntn_id’ equals ‘test’

to_dict() → dict

Serializes criterion to dictionary

class slims.criteria.Junction(operator: slims.criteria._JunctionType)

Bases: slims.criteria.Criterion

A combination of multiple criteria

add(member: slims.criteria.Criterion) → slims.criteria.Junction

Adds a member to this junction

to_dict() → dict

Serializes criterion to dictionary

slims.criteria.between_inclusive(field: str, start: Any, end: Any) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies a “between” constraint to the specified field

  • field (string) – the field to match
  • start (any) – the value to start with (inclusive)
  • start – the value to end with (inclusive)

A between criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", between_inclusive("cntn_barCode", "00001", "00010"))

Will fetch all the content records that have a barcode between 00001 and 00010

slims.criteria.conjunction() → slims.criteria.Junction

Combines multiple criteria in a conjunctive way (and)

Returns:A conjunction


>>> slims.fetch("Content", conjunction()
            .add(start_with("cntn_id", "DNA"))
            .add(greater_than("cntn_quantity", 5)))

Will fetch all the content records for which their id starts with “DNA” and their quantity is bigger than 5.

slims.criteria.contains(field: str, value: Any) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies a “contains” constraint to the specified field

  • field (string) – the field to match
  • value (any) – the value to contain

A contains criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", contains("cntn_id", "test"))

Will fetch all the content records that have an id that contains “test”

slims.criteria.disjunction() → slims.criteria.Junction

Combines multiple criteria in a disjunctive way (or)

Returns:A disjunction


>>> slims.fetch("Content", disjunction()
            .add(start_with("cntn_id", "DNA"))
            .add(greater_than("cntn_quantity", 5)))

Will fetch all the content records for which their id starts with “DNA” or their quantity is bigger than 5.

slims.criteria.ends_with(field: str, value: Any) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “ends with” constraint to the specified field

  • field (string) – the field to match
  • value (any) – the value to end with

An ends with criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", ends_with("cntn_id", "001"))

Will fetch all the content records that have an id that ends with “001”

slims.criteria.equals(field: str, value: Any) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “equals” constraint to the specified field

This is case-sensitive depending on the used database.

  • field (string) – the field to match
  • value (any) – the value to match

An equals criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", equals("cntn_id", "dna0001"))

This will fetch all the content records that have “dna0001” as their id

slims.criteria.equals_ignore_case(field: str, value: Any) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “equals” constraint to the specified field

This is always case-insensitive

  • field (string) – the field to match
  • value (any) – the value to match

An equals criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", equals_ignore_case("cntn_id", "dna0001"))

Will fetch all the content records that have “dna0001” as their id

slims.criteria.greater_than(field: str, value: Any) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “greater than” constraint to the specified field

  • field (string) – the field to match
  • value (any) – the value to match

A greater than criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", greater_than("cntn_quantity", "5"))

Will fetch all the content records that have a quantity greater than 5

slims.criteria.greater_than_or_equal(field: str, value: Any) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “greater than or equal” constraint to the specified field

  • field (string) – the field to match
  • value (any) – the value to match

A less than or equal criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", greater_than_or_equal("cntn_quantity", "5"))

Will fetch all the content records that have a quantity greater than or equal to 5

slims.criteria.is_na(field: str) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies a “is not applicable” constraint to the specified field (this is an option on custom fields

Parameters:field (string) – the field that should not be applicable
Returns:A not applicable criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", is_na("cntn_cf_numberOfSigarettes"))

Will fetch all the content records for which the number of sigarrettes is not applible (for example for non smokers)

slims.criteria.is_not(criterion: slims.criteria.Criterion) → slims.criteria.Junction

Inverts a criterion

Parameters:criterion (criterion) – The criterion to invert
Returns:A criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", is_not(start_with("cntn_id", "DNA")))

Will fetch all the content records for which their id does not starts with “DNA”

slims.criteria.is_not_null(field: str) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “is not null” constraint to the specified field

Parameters:field (string) – the field that shouldn’t be null
Returns:A not null criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", is_not_null("cntn_fk_location"))

Will fetch all the content records that are in a location

slims.criteria.is_not_one_of(field: str, value: list) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “is not one of” constraint to the specified field

  • field (string) –
  • value (list) –


>>> slims.fetch("Content", is_not_one_of("cntn_barCode", ["0001", "0002", "0004"]))

Will fetch all the content records that have a barcode that is not 0001, 0002 or 0004.

slims.criteria.is_null(field: str) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “is null” constraint to the specified field

Parameters:field (string) – the field that should be null
Returns:An is null criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", is_null("cntn_fk_location"))

Will fetch all the content records that are not in a location

slims.criteria.is_one_of(field: str, value: list) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “is one of” constraint to the specified field

  • field (string) –
  • value (list) –


>>> slims.fetch("Content", is_one_of("cntn_barCode", ["0001", "0002", "0004"]))

Will fetch all the content records that have a barcode that is either 0001, 0002 or 0004.

slims.criteria.less_than(field: str, value: Any) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “less than” constraint to the specified field

  • field (string) – the field to match
  • value (any) – the value to match

A less than criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", less_than("cntn_quantity", "5"))

Will fetch all the content records that have a quantity smaller than 5

slims.criteria.less_than_or_equal(field: str, value: Any) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “less than or equal” constraint to the specified field

  • field (string) – the field to match
  • value (any) – the value to match

A less than or equal criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", less_than_or_equal("cntn_quantity", "5"))

Will fetch all the content records that have a quantity less than or equal to 5

slims.criteria.not_equals(field: str, value: Any) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies an “not equals” constraint to the specified field

  • field (string) – the field to match
  • value (any) – the value not to match

A not equals criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", not_equals("cntn_id", "dna0001"))

Will fetch all the content records that do not have “dna0001” as their id

slims.criteria.starts_with(field: str, value: Any) → slims.criteria.Expression

Applies a “starts with” constraint to the specified field

  • field (string) – the field to match
  • value (any) – the value to start with

A starts with criterion


>>> slims.fetch("Content", start_with("cntn_id", "dna"))

Will fetch all the content records that have an id that starts with “dna”